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Are Animal Products Causing Your Acne?

Skincare is about more than just the routine application of various products on your face and body. Lifestyle habits ultimately matter as much or more for achieving healthy and glowing skin. These habits include the amount of sleep and exercise you get and how much you expose yourself to vices and unhealthy environments – but even more important is what you put in your body. We know that a proper diet filled with vitamins and essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables is absolutely crucial in skincare. But does that mean we should also be staying away from meat and other animal products? Let’s look into it.

The Dangers Of Meat & Dairy Acne is caused by several factors, including overactive sebaceous glands, bacteria, and hormonal imbalances. Another known contributor of chronic breakouts is inflammation, which can cause swelling, redness, and deep clogging of pores. Incidentally, meat is a highly inflammatory type of food that may aggravate acne that is already forming. Food Revolution explains that red meat and processed meat in particular elevate levels of C-reactive protein, which is a marker of increased inflammation. (Meanwhile, the same products can also promote cell aging and lower resistance to a range of illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes.) Dairy products, too, can be part of the problem. Many have hypothesized that dairy leads to frequent breakouts on the grounds that it, too, is an inflammatory ingredient. Board-certified dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, M.D., adds that dairy products are filled with hormones from cattle that can clash with the hormones in our own bodies. More specifically, dairy can boost the production of IGF-1, a hormone that can trigger breakouts via increased production of oil in your glands and inflamed pimples. To avoid these problems you should consider lightening your intake of skim milk, cheeses, and ice cream – and you may also want to be wary of protein powders that contain whey, as they can have a similar negative effect on the skin.

The Obsession With Eating Animal Products All of the above might be upsetting news for people who like to consume meat and dairy products, but still would like to maintain clear skin. Animal products are particularly popular among fitness enthusiasts as they have been largely promoted as main sources of protein, which is the foundation of tissue repair and growth. High-protein diets and ketogenic diets are pushed by major influencers, athletes, and the media – sometimes even in ways people don’t consciously recognize. For instance, muscular warriors and Vikings that have appeared on our television screens are often specifically shown to be avid meat eaters. The Scandinavian seafarers are also present in free online casino games where their robust physiques and strength are essentially the whole point of their presence. A casino slot only has so much space for graphics, yet we recognize a Viking almost immediately through a few features, including bulging muscles.

When we see examples like this – not just through fictional interpretations of muscled, carnivorous characters, but also in our everyday lives, in popular athletes, etc. – we often succumb to the idea that bulging muscles represent an ideal, and that animal product consumption is thee way to get them. It actually makes it fairly easy to understand why animal products have played such a large part in modern nutrition. The argument here is merely that it’s also important to consider their side effects – especially if you’re attempting to address chronic acne or a similar skin issue. Eliminating animal products altogether is not a requirement for eliminating acne, but minimizing consumption certainly won’t hurt. If you do happen to consume a lot of these products, you may ultimately find that even a mild drawback – combined with some more healthy vitamins and nutrients in your diet – can make a world of difference.

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